
Visit change log

Harley Bird 7 years ago updated by Stephen Vaughan 7 years ago 2

Would be good to have a "Change Log" tab on the visit edit page to show change history for an audit trail.. 

I just had a carer try and tell me visit had been added to her rota at the last minute and she had made plans sou couldn't cover the visits.. I ashed Laura for the details of the changes and proved to the carer she was not correct and the visits had been on the rota for nearly a week..

Having a change log showing who made the change, the date and time of the change, the previous value and the current value would be all that was needed.. At a minimum tracking changes to the assigned carer and the date/time of the visit would be the most important fields to track..




Hi Harley, I have asked Laura to add a report into your system to allow you to seach all of the application logs.  This, I feel will satisfy your requirement.



Hi Harley, I have asked Laura to add a report into your system to allow you to seach all of the application logs.  This, I feel will satisfy your requirement.
