
Change time window for check in/out - Andriod app and iPhone browser work differently.

Concerned Well Wisher 7 years ago updated by Stephen Vaughan 6 years ago 2

So we are using the Andriod app and iPhone browser to check in/out for our electronic call monitoring (a requirement with the Local Authority), but the Andriod App lets you check in/out at whatever time on whatever day and the iPhone browser has a sensitivity of +/- 30 minutes. I have been advised by support that this cannot be increased.

This confuses the carer, particularly on double carer visits. Carer 1 can log into tomorrows call without restriction (see separate post), but carer 2 on the same visit cannot log in if they are more than 30 minutes early/late. We are fielding a lot of calls from carer 2 who is worried that they will not get paid - we pay by the minute.

Being in domiciliary care delays are always inevitable. Please may we have a fix (Its on my Christmas list)



Hi, there is work taking place to bring these two things inline with each other.  We are going to use a configuration setting that can be changed per care agency.

Please look out for this functionality in the latest Android release.



Satisfaction mark by Concerned Well Wisher 6 years ago

Hi, there is work taking place to bring these two things inline with each other.  We are going to use a configuration setting that can be changed per care agency.

Please look out for this functionality in the latest Android release.

