CareFor - Reports

Ibrahim Ali 4 years ago in Pure CareForIT 0

As our Reablement service is a short term intervention (up to 6 weeks) of working with Service Users - we are required to report back to senior management of our service performance statistics on a monthly/quarterly/yearly basis.

The current reports available through CareFor at present are quite basic and not so useful. Therefore, we have come up with some useful reports which we feel should be made available within CareFor for us and other care providers:

Service report

Total number of new referrals
Total number of new cases started by month or over a period (with total number of new hours scheduled)
Total number of cases closed over a period (with total number of hours no longer scheduled)
Hours of care provided by carer/ service over a period
Hours of care provided per region over a period (North / South)
Scheduled contact time as a percentage of total hours available over a period
Actual contact time as a percentage of total hours available over a period
Actual contact time as a percentage of total hours scheduled over a period
Cancellation per Service User / service over a period
Total number of unused hours over a period

Service Users

Age distribution of service users over a period of time

Total no of users over a period of time
Gender distribution over a period of time
Number of male users
Number of Female users
Duration of service provision

Number of cases open for

0 - 48 hours

2 days - 2 weeks

2 - 4 weeks

4 - 6 weeks

Over 6 weeks

No of returning cases over a period

Total number of care packages provided over a period

Outcome report over a period

Outcome of number of Service Users:
Remain the same
No of complaint over a period
Accident report over a period per Service User / Staff

Management information

Sickness days per staff / service over a period
Training days per staff / service over a period
Meetings days per staff / service over a period
Annual leave per staff / service over a period