
Display 2nd carers mobile number if double up call on visit information on the app

garry pettit 6 years ago in Mobile Carer App - CareForIT updated by Imtiaz Ismail 5 years ago 4

Display 2nd carers mobile number if double up call on visit information on the app, currently the app displays the name of the carer who will be joining you on the visit, but in case a carer is running late etc, they can communicate better.


Displaying the number may take up valuable space. Would it be better to create a hyperlink of their name I wonder? When you click the name it calls the number?

Sounds a good idea, go with that.


It would be a good idea if there was a contact list of all carers contact details for carers to have access to on the App


Just seen a demo from a competitor and they have 2nd carer details against a double handed visit and each carer are allowed to message each other if they are either running late or have completed a visit ahead of time, why can Care For It have this, it would make life so easy for carers and office staff.