
Accrued annual leave

KellyMurray 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT updated 6 years ago 2

Good afternoon,

Is there any possibility in the future that the annual leave can be accumulated by the system? We pay entitled annual leave accrued hourly but have to work out average hours accumulated. On the current system, there is set entitled leave in days but staff must be paid holiday pay based on their hours worked by law and this is really difficult due to fluctuating hours. It all has to be worked out individually. By law staff are entitled to 7.25 minutes annual leave for every hour they work and I assume all other employers are working on this basis as it is law. If we underpay them (I haven't but it could be very easily done), we would get fined £5000. We are no longer allowed to pay a percentage of average hours worked, it has be hours accumulated.

Is there any scope for the system to bank 7.25 minutes per hour in an annual leave box to help us monitor the staff's entitlement?  I am happy to discuss this with Steven if I haven't explained this properly.

Many thanks




Hi Kelly, we have just completed some development for Holiday Pay.  

This will include the ability to calculate holiday pay, to have holiday pay scheme(accural, fixed days), holiday accural, pay/not pay holidays.

Would you be interested in being added on to the beta code again?




Hi Kelly, we have just completed some development for Holiday Pay.  

This will include the ability to calculate holiday pay, to have holiday pay scheme(accural, fixed days), holiday accural, pay/not pay holidays.

Would you be interested in being added on to the beta code again?



Yes please Stephen. Thank you