
Fitler on all packages

Natasha Powell 7 years ago in Brokerage updated by Howell Hughes 6 years ago 2

Is it possible to be able to filter all packages by the open tab so you can group no and yes together.



Hi Natasha,

Thank you for your feedback it is much appreciated. 

You will be glad to hear that we are planning to provide the requested functionality. 

Please keep an eye out on our news section of the support site where we will provide an update when this is released. 


This is the result of feedback on our online forum user echo

If you have any ideas of improvement you would like to see on eBrokerage please leave an idea here, or review an idea someone else has left and if you like it you can vote on it.

What would be useful is to have a drop down filter which said Open Yes, No or All.

Even better would be the ability to export the details of All Packages and any applied filters to excel.


Hi Natasha,

Thank you for your feedback it is much appreciated. 

You will be glad to hear that we are planning to provide the requested functionality. 

Please keep an eye out on our news section of the support site where we will provide an update when this is released. 


This is the result of feedback on our online forum user echo

If you have any ideas of improvement you would like to see on eBrokerage please leave an idea here, or review an idea someone else has left and if you like it you can vote on it.