Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?
Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!
CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.

Brokerage Map
Any chance of the Care-4-IT Brokerage system being modified so that it shows a map
pinpointing the all of the providers locations, with an overlay pinpointing
the clients locations. Might give them (Providers) and us (the Brokers) a better idea for planning.
Best Regards
Logged on behalf of Allan Smith at Mears

Account/service user number adding to the standard invoice template and also the invoicing period
I need the account/service user number on the standard invoice template and also the invoicing period to make the invoice suitable for the council I am dealing with

eBrokerage Package assign on closure
It would also be useful to have 'No longer required' and 'deceased' when closing and assigning a POC.

Create bespoke wording for invoice Email sent to client
Current emails to clients with invoices are really basic would be good to have functionality to be able to send bespoke emails

Payroll summary option along with the standard CareFor payroll export
Does everyone use this standard CareFor Payroll Export when doing payroll?
If not, may I kindly ask what software you use to make this smaller.
Would a Payroll Summary not be more efficient?
Am I the only CareFor user that has 17 different job roles?
In my opinion, the summary report is a lot more efficient and more acceptable by payroll departments. The standard payroll export (see above) is flooded by zero cells and all the job roles (columns) and by simply removing these, or having the option to at least, is a no brainer. - for me at least. I know the job roles the staff have and do not require this when doing payroll.
I beg/implore/plead/kindly request you to like this post if you feel the same. I am mentally drained discussing this repeatedly and feel like I am alone in this issue.
ps, 'payroll export' and 'payroll summary' above are links with the relevant files attached.

Self Funder option per area.
Would like to have the ability to set Private Funder as a SELF FUNDER per area we work in. For Instance, self funded - Hull, self funded East Riding. I understand that self funder is hard coded into CareFor and hope that you will look into this possibility for us.

Seperate closed and open cases
Is it possible to have all closed packages to move into a separate 'all packages' list. Or being able to export all packages into an excel spreadsheet to then be able to filter this information easier.

Fitler on all packages
Is it possible to be able to filter all packages by the open tab so you can group no and yes together.

Hi Natasha,
Thank you for your feedback it is much appreciated.
You will be glad to hear that we are planning to provide the requested functionality.
Please keep an eye out on our news section of the support site where we will provide an update when this is released.
This is the result of feedback on our online forum user echo
If you have any ideas of improvement you would like to see on eBrokerage please leave an idea here, or review an idea someone else has left and if you like it you can vote on it.

eBrokerage Package of Care Filter Update
It would be of use to have a filtering system in place when looking at all the POC.

eBrokerage Message Area Improvements
The message in box has individual names so it is not easy to know whom
has sent the email and as it does not list the clients number. It is a
monotony that could be solved if the emails went to the Providers generic
email address and the clients social ID was shown.
Customer support service by UserEcho