Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?
Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!
CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.

Change time window for check in/out - Andriod app and iPhone browser work differently.
So we are using the Andriod app and iPhone browser to check in/out for our electronic call monitoring (a requirement with the Local Authority), but the Andriod App lets you check in/out at whatever time on whatever day and the iPhone browser has a sensitivity of +/- 30 minutes. I have been advised by support that this cannot be increased.
This confuses the carer, particularly on double carer visits. Carer 1 can log into tomorrows call without restriction (see separate post), but carer 2 on the same visit cannot log in if they are more than 30 minutes early/late. We are fielding a lot of calls from carer 2 who is worried that they will not get paid - we pay by the minute.
Being in domiciliary care delays are always inevitable. Please may we have a fix (Its on my Christmas list)

Hi, there is work taking place to bring these two things inline with each other. We are going to use a configuration setting that can be changed per care agency.
Please look out for this functionality in the latest Android release.

Last generated Client schedule to be saved
Louisa Home Care would like any emailed schedules sent to clients to be saved as a pdf which can be accessed from the Schedule tab, or saved as an attachment with the email note

Hi, we have added some functionality to the next release (due 27th March) of CareForIT which will add an attachment within a note on the carer profile.

"My Documents" Section
Can it be made possible to
a. Sort the order of the documents in the "My Documents" Section
b. Create separate folders within the section

Accounting Reference field
In the absence of an accounting reference field on the SU we using the PO Number field to record this information.. We now have a SU that is being funded and their invoice requires a reference and I am told the PO Number field is where this should go when using a "funder" for payments.
So either we need an "Accounting Reference" field for and internal reference which would free up the PO Number to be using with bulk funders for the SU's or a "Funder Reference" field needs to be added for the funder references..

Skills and Capabilities Update options
Can we please have the ability to add update an existing qualification entry with the following:
Certificate Number
Certificate Upload
At the moment we can only update the expiry date.

Hi Rachel, this work has now been completed and deplyed to CareForIT. You should have had this in the latest release notes.
Thank you.

Ability to post a global note to all clients / staff instead of having to individually type in on everyones own note tab
Hi - It would be helpful to be able to post a note to all clients / carers at once rather than go into individual note tabs and enter the same thing 50 times.
eg: "Client communication sent out re recent changes in........."

Hi, we have added some functionality to the next release (due 27th March) of CareForIT which will allow you to select ALL individuals on a carer list.

Note Priority
At the moment we get hundreds of notes a day most of them are meaning less. My suggestion would be to add a priority alert to notes created by care workers.
I.e Green for a regular note and red for Urgent/ Important information.
What would also help would be a simple clear button for any note created as Green for general information.

Print ALL invoices
On the invoices page it only shows 20 invoices, which is fine except for when you want to print all the invoices for the month or selected date range.. You can only print 20 as a time but at month end I would like to be able to "select all" invoices for the selected date range so i can print all the invoices in one do rather than going page by page and doing 20 at a time..

Staff data extract report needs ID field to be useful
To make the staff data extract report useful it really needs the a unique ID field added..

Deleting visits on the wall
Claire at The Care Company South West requested the ability to delete visits on the wall.
Customer support service by UserEcho