Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?

Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!

CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.

Under review

Call data records needs to be able to match the invoices that we print and generate from this for Ecm.

selina 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

This is an urgent request as the call reports doesn’t work at all and we need to be able to export the invoices to excel or Cvs for rack visit, I have sent over an example of how we need our systems export to look like.


Regular visits with a future start date SHOULD print on PDF.

Harley Bird 7 years ago 0

Currently and regular visit configurations that have a start date in the future don't 

print on the care assessment PDF..

This is a problem because it means we can't print it and get the file in place into the SU home until AFTER the care package has started.. It also means we can't take it to the SU prior to the package commencing or changing to get them to confirm they are happy with the package..

Please can this be changed so all regular visits that have no end date or a future end date print on the PDF regardless of the start date.


Risk assessments

pridecare 7 years ago 0

Risk assessments can not be edited which is frustrating as they are a continuous document. It would be good to see each risk assessment being edited to show the progress when reviewed and go in and review it.


Medication Dose Regimen dropdown default to Tablet

Howell Hughes 7 years ago 0

Service Users > View Service Users > Pick a Service Users > Click Care Plan > Medication > Add Medication

In the Dosage Regimen the Drop down, Default should be Tablet.

At present it is presented in alphabetical order.


Medication Half Day for "To be taken"

Howell Hughes 7 years ago updated by Stephen Vaughan 6 years ago 1

Service Users > View Service Users > Pick a Service Users > Click Care Plan > Medication > Add Medication

To be taken half day (0.5) to be added


Medication Blank Option for "To be taken"

Howell Hughes 7 years ago updated by Stephen Vaughan 6 years ago 1

Service Users > View Service Users > Pick a Service Users > Click Care Plan > Medication > Add Medication

"To be taken - Every" option there should be an option for no number.


Ability for Carers to send different note types from the new Android App.

Harley Bird 7 years ago 0

The new android app is coming together really nicely and the offline nature of it is really needed.. However it's disappointing that the app is not able to support different note types so when carers want to enter different note types they have to go back to the web site version which is very confusing for non-tech savvy carers.

The ability to add different note types in the app would be very useful.. 

Under review


Severn Sunrise 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

We have an issue which I first brought up some months ago, but nothing seems to have been done to address it.  I know the team are busy doing other things also, but this issue does require something to be done pretty soon as it has become a real problem.

The issue itself is this:  when we have (for example) a husband & wife both requiring care, but each with different requirements – how do we enter this in the database in a sensible manner.  Currently, what we have to do is input the information for each person separately but then enter their property as a “location” and then add their combined visits to that.  This is very unsatisfactory for the following reasons:

  1. It is totally impractical to enter their visits separately as to expect the carer to stop half way through to log out of one & then immediately log in for the other is crazy and also doesn’t work.
  2. The current “Locations” are woefully inadequate in the information it contains – not even a map of the location – also “Locations” does not show up in the new app.
  3. Information input for either or both clients in their separate respective database entries does not show up in “Locations” nor is there any way for carers to access any information about the clients.
  4. There is no way to input any meaningful info into the “Locations” with regard to the clients (or anything else for that matter).

Something needs to be done very, very soon as it is getting more of an issue as time goes on and I cannot be the only one who finds the current work-around to be completely unsatisfactory.

I have given it some thought and come up with the following:

Some method of linking 2 people in the database together needs to be found and implemented as a matter of some urgency as this “Locations” method is totally unsatisfactory & almost completely useless.  The “Locations” are fine for specifying a specific place, like our company offices or places we use for some of our training (like the village hall or community centre), but even there a map in the location is a requirement now.  For anything else the “Locations” are next to useless.

One suggestion I have is that under the “Client” tab there is a drop-down list box entitled something like “link to” with a list of all other clients in it so you can choose who to link to as a couple – obviously if it was a new case you would have to enter one client & then set the link when you enter the second.

A second suggestion is that when adding a new client, there could be an additional menu item so rather than just “Add Client” as at present, it could show an additional entry “Add Couple” or something similar, which would lead to inputting one set of information for both clients & then going back in separately to add individual information applicable only to that specific client.

Whatever is done needs to be flexible enough that the two clients can be entered at different times as we had a case where we had one client for several months before that person’s spouse also required care and we have others likely to come up in the not so distant future.

These are the tabs in the client file on the database & what is needed for each:

Client:  to remain separate for each person (except for Telephone Number, Region & Care Manager which will need to be the same for both) – Also “Account Details” to be the same for both, but all other items to be separate.

Care Plan:  to remain separate for each person EXCEPT for the Regular Visit/Services which need an option “tick box” for each visit so as to share that specific visit with the other person (there are cases where one client has 2 visits per day & the other has 4 visits per day).

Contacts:  many of the contacts will be the same for both clients, but there may be specialist contacts applicable to only one of them, so an option “tick box” to link contacts with the other person seems an obvious solution.

Property:  this needs to be linked to both clients as they both live in it.

Schedule:  needs to be combined to reflect all the visits for both clients, although each visit will need to show who it is for.

Account:  to be combined for both clients under the same funder.

Invoices:  to be combined for both clients under the same funder.

Notes:  we need the ability to mark each separate note as applicable to one client or the other, or both.

MAR Chart:  definitely need to be separate MAR Charts for each client as one may need one & the other not or both may need them, but they are different for each.

Finally, when selecting the carer for visits the system needs to show & select either one or both of the clients AS A SINGLE VISIT and show the name(s) as appropriate for that visit.  This obviously needs to reflect in invoicing & payroll so the client is correctly invoiced & the carer(s) are correctly paid.

I hope you can get something rolling on this as it is causing us problems & needs to be resolved soon.



Obi 7 years ago updated by Dan Farrell-Wright 7 years ago 2

One good functionality that can be added is the option for notes to

a. Be assigned to a user

b. Be tagged as open or closed

Also, with the current notes system, if a user tagged a notes category you can go back and change the notes category. However, if the user did not tag a category you cannot go back and add the category. Maybe, if there is a default tag for notes (just like notes from carers are automatically tagged as "Carer Mobile Notes") then that will enable managers to change the tag as required