Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?

Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!

CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.


The Accounts system needs to be able to add in references (Bacs numbers / cheque number etc...) and the possibilities of part payments received.

Chris 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance updated by Passion for Support 6 years ago 1

The Accounts system needs to be able to add in references. This will help us to locate Bacs payments, cheque number and cash payments. The system also needs to be able to accept part payments received from service users and councils.


Stop payroll adding mileage for cancelled visits

Harley Bird 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance updated by Stephen Vaughan 6 years ago 8

Current system calculates and adds mileage to carers payroll for cancelled visits which it obviously shouldn't.. 

Stephen Vaughan 6 years ago

Hi, we have the ability to pay zero miliage in our Beta system.  You would have to cancel the visit and select a travel type that was zero pay.

If you would like to go onto our Beta system please contact your account manager or someone on the helpdesk.

Here is what the development looks like:




Alternative invoice address and Contact

howell 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance 0

As well as being able to select an alternate address as invoice address. Ideally the funder name (Service User contact associated with the invoice address) should be used rather than the service users name.


Payroll export to CSV

howell 5 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance updated by Dan Farrell-Wright 4 years ago 1

After running payroll and expanding each staff member via the + sign. I would like to be able to export the information on screen.

In the Bulk Action you can choose print details, which opens the requested information in a pdf file. It would be useful if there could be an option in Bulk Action to send print details and print summary to CSV in order that it could then be opened by a customer in Excel.

Get voting and this will be reviewed by product management.

Best Regards

Howell Hughes

Client Engagement Manager

Dan Farrell-Wright 4 years ago

Hi Howell, if you lock a payroll you can then download a CSV of that payroll from the FInance->Payroll->Locked Payroll page.




Report that gives care DELIVERED in any given time span rather than scheduled only. We could then see if our invoicing tallies with care provided.

Tim Brigham 5 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance updated by howell 5 years ago 3

We work with live data but the current reports do not give an accurate tally of calls delivered. Planned and scheduled seem to be the same thing? This report would enable us to know what percentage of scheduled calls we will be paid for.


Search for invoice range

Katie 5 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance 0

When looking at invoices would be very helpful and useful to have the option to select an invoice range rather than just a date range or 1 individual invoice. This would allow us to pdf and export just the invoices in question rather than go down ticking and selecting each one


Invoices in word format

Farook 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance 0

The current invoices are in issued in PDF. 

Can the invoices be in a word format. At times we may need to adjust invoices and easy to do so on word format rather than re-issuing new updated invoices.  Previous software companies invoices have been in word format.


Service User name as part of Invoice CSV file

Tim Brigham 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance updated by Katie 5 years ago 1

A large part of our business is funded by East Riding of Yorkshire Council so they are our main Funder. What we would like to see is that when we generate invoices, the CSV file produced would show the individual service user to import into Sage. Currently the e-mail address is shown here, however we mail our invoices so this is a dead field for us. Could this field be utilised??