Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?
Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!
CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.

The Accounts system needs to be able to add in references (Bacs numbers / cheque number etc...) and the possibilities of part payments received.
The Accounts system needs to be able to add in references. This will help us to locate Bacs payments, cheque number and cash payments. The system also needs to be able to accept part payments received from service users and councils.

Stop payroll adding mileage for cancelled visits
Current system calculates and adds mileage to carers payroll for cancelled visits which it obviously shouldn't..

Hi, we have the ability to pay zero miliage in our Beta system. You would have to cancel the visit and select a travel type that was zero pay.
If you would like to go onto our Beta system please contact your account manager or someone on the helpdesk.
Here is what the development looks like:

eMAR - carers can log in early to visits and action the eMAR chart before, which is a MASSIVE safe-guarding issue
eMAR charts should only be editable by the carers during or upto 5/10 mins after a call - currently it can be done anytime before during or after a call - massive safe guarding issue

Care plans on Mobile App
Would it be possible to have care plans displayed on the CareForIT carer app to remove the need for a paper version to be left.

We have recently deployed Care Plans on mobiles.
You are able to configure questions on your care plans from the Settings->Service page (click on the relevant cog)
You can also add additional elements to the care plan (such as the new COVID-19 Risk Assessment)
Carers can then see the careplan on the v1.95+ of the Carer App

Total hours at the bottom of the rota's?

the ability to un- confirm a visit after logged in. in case of accidental logs(on the system)

4 Weekly Visit Type (Frequency)
With only the weekly and fortnightly visit types available to use on our system, we could really do with having a 4 weekly visit type due to meeting the support needs of some service users who do only require 1 visit every 4 weeks and with this not currently available on visit frequency it does make it difficult.

Multiple check in **URGENT**
A major flaw is multiple check in. I have carers that are logged into calls for hours, and in some cases days, but they are able to log into the next call. As they have logged in and out themselves the call is reconciled.
The local authority pay us by the minute and we pay the staff by the minute. When we run actual payroll some carers, with the above scenario, are shown to have worked more hours than they actually have. It is so time consuming to go through every single call to find and fix the issue.
The computers do not allow multi log in so I hope this is a straight forward fix. Please, please, please fix this! It would be SO good if the system, at least, logged the carer out of the previous call as they check into the next call. My concern is missing something and being accused of fraud by the local authority. Not to mention the time I would save.

We are currently in beta testing of our Android and iOS CareFor IT carer mobile app which will have a configurable restriction for multiple check ins. We have the option to warn or prevent the user from checking in to multiple visits. This stops a second visit being checked in to without the first visit being checked out of.
As soon as this is out on general release we will inform you and request that you upgrade all carers to the new app.
The new app will also introduce more configurable settings around checking in and out and the carers location.
When a carer attempts to check in or check out of a visit, the app retrieves the current latitude and longitude of the device and compares this against the latitude and longitude of the visit location. The app will check if the distance between the two locations is within the acceptable radius. The radius can be set on an individual basis per visit location address.
There are three options that can be used to handle the check in and check out logic
mentioned above:
● Off - this option allows the carer to check in/ check out to a visit with no warning or
prevention regardless of their given location.
● Warning - this option will use the above logic and if the carer is outside of the
acceptable radius, the app will warn the user, but crucially, allow them to continue to
check in or check out (see reports section below).
● Strict - this option will use the above logic and if the carer is outside of the acceptable
radius, the app will prevent the user from continuing, showing an explanation that
they are too far away from the location to proceed with the action.
These warnings can be set separately for check in and check out. There are two options
available, which allows flexibility, for example, to be strict on check in but more lenient on
check out.
In effect, the above settings allow the system to be as relaxed or as strict as required. Using a combination of the settings, along with differing radius's, dependant on the quality of GPS signal in a given location, this should provide a flexible solution to become more sure of a carer’s location on check in and check out.
If warning is selected as the appropriate setting on check in and/ or check out, a report can be generated which, using similar logic as stated above, will check the latitude and longitude of the visit location address and compare it to the latitude and longitude recorded on check in and check out. When taking into account the set radius, the report can flag up any carers
who were warned that they were too far away but ultimately, overrode that warning and continued regardless.
In conclusion, by combining check in and check out settings, individual property radius's and relevant reports, it’s very possible to provide a solution where all visits that are being dealt with via the CareForIT Carer app are precisely recorded and those that were interacted outside of the permitted radius are very prevalent.
As soon as this is released we will inform you and request that you upgrade all carers to the new app.
Please keep an eye out on our new section of the support site to keep up with the latest updates.
Best Regards
Howell Hughes
Client Engagement Manager

Display 2nd carers mobile number if double up call on visit information on the app
Display 2nd carers mobile number if double up call on visit information on the app, currently the app displays the name of the carer who will be joining you on the visit, but in case a carer is running late etc, they can communicate better.
Customer support service by UserEcho