Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?

Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!

CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.


Total hours at the bottom of the rota's?

vicky kirby 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' updated by Concerned Well Wisher 6 years ago 2

4 Weekly Visit Type (Frequency)

joe 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' updated by Aspire 5 years ago 4

With only the weekly and fortnightly visit types available to use on our system, we could really do with having a 4 weekly visit type due to meeting the support needs of some service users who do only require 1 visit every 4 weeks and with this not currently available on visit frequency it does make it difficult.


Target hours alert

Passion for Support 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' updated by Imtiaz Ismail 5 years ago 3

We’d like an alert to come up when staff have been allocated visits which take them over their Target Hours. Similar to what happens with customer hours. 


Monthly Rotas

Sandant Care 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' 0

We would like the option of being able to send monthly rotas 


Drag and drop on the rotas

selina 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' 0

The ability to drag and drop on the rotas year you have something similar however slot of the time the functionality doesn’t work


Bulk 'email rota' to save each rota as a pdf in carer notes schedule tab

Concerned Well Wisher 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' updated by Stephen Vaughan 7 years ago 4

We email a 7 day rota to the carers so they can plan a week ahead (App only shows a few days). Any amendments are also emailed out. The schedule tab only saves the last pdf and the notes do not have a pdf attached. There is no record of any previous rota sent other than the last one.

Please can we attach the pdf to each note so we have a paper trail.

Stephen Vaughan 7 years ago

Hi, we have added some functionality to the next release (due 27th March) of CareForIT which will add an attachment within a note on the carer profile.


Client Schedule having a time but visit not allocated

Lauren Beard 4 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' 0

Can we please have it so that when clients schedules are sent via C4IT it does not give a time if the visit is not allocated.This causes issues when clients think there time is going to still be at the TBC time, We are unable to call every client once there visits are allocated, but causes lots of issues when they call in as the call time has been changed.


To be able call service Users direct by touching their contact number

Fay Thompson 5 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' updated by Dan Farrell-Wright 4 years ago 2
Dan Farrell-Wright 4 years ago

Hi Fay,

Thank you for your message. Do you mean from the CareForIT mobile app? If so this is now available on the iphone v1.9 of the CareFor Carer Mobile app which is now available from the App store via this link

Best Regards



Rota Draft/Unpublished

Lian Palmer 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' 0

The ability to have a draft rota, published once complete. Also the feature to have a push notification sent to staff emails/mobiles to inform of any changes to rota.


Additional Hours displayed in different colour in availability tab.

Nicola Hern 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' 0

When adding availability to support workers which is outside of their regular availability is it possible for this to be displayed as a different colour than the regular availability.  This will then allow us to see what additional hours staff have picked up.