Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?
Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!
CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.
Can we have a much condensed rota to email
We are just swapping over to CareForIT and the carers are finding it very difficult to wade through the long emails with all the care plans attached to the calls. Is it possible to email a rota with just clients, addresses, call times and telephone numbers? Or create them in the same way as the client schedules come out - looking like a timetable.
Adding Holiday using availability
It would be useful from an admin perspective to save time if someone was booking two weeks off when you are adding the visit you could select the full duration of the holiday and it can use the preset availability to work out the amount of days off the rota. For example if a part time carer works Monday, Wednesday and Friday and wants 2 weeks off you could select the full 14 day term and only use 6 days holiday as the availability is predefined.
Adding a buffer between calls
Request for the system to be able to apply a buffer inbetween calls to allow a selectable amount of time gap between all calls.
rounds of care
It would be most helpful if we were able to delete rounds of care that are no longer active. I'm on with training my team how to prepare these and see only bad things ahead as rounds are created incorrectly and then need to be deleted and resatrted.
Could the ECM Report be produced by Area?
We have around ten areas overseen by various managers. I'd like to see the ECM report by area to see who/where we are still having issues.
being able to alter service order for individual calls rather than the whole week on service order
being able to alter service order for individual calls rather than the whole week on service order, so when a clients call is the same every week except for 1 day, being able to alter that 1 call rather than amending the entire service order
adding a buffer between calls
Adding a 10/15 mins buffer on service orders so you cannot physically allocate calls with no travel time, if you try to allocate a 12-12.30 and a 12.30-1pm call next to one another it does not let you allocate
Customer support service by UserEcho