Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?
Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!
CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.

CQC New Requirement Report
Lorraine just called from Clarke Care to request a report to show stats, on how many Service Users have joined the service in the last calendar year, and how many have left. Simple three line report. in 2017, ex number joined the service, ex number left the service.
Lorraine has just been asked by CQC for this data, meaning every agency will be requested this info every year from now on. It took her 2 hours to shift through all the data in CareForIT to find out the info.

Regular carer cog stays the same colour so you cannot tell which is allocated a regular and which is not
When you are allocating regular carers to the regular visits you use the cog in the careplan. All the cogs are the same colour whether a regular carer has been allocated or not. We recently transferred all our calls to this system and it was rather time consuming. It would be help if we could see what is assigned a regular carer and what is not without having to open each call.

Function to capture staff members nationality
Could an addition be made to the equality and diversity tab within the personal section on staff profile page to capture nationality?

Flag on SU to indicate who wants invoices to be emailed
Would be good if there was a boolean flag on the SU record indicating that the invoice should be emailed.. Then on the invoices screen it would simply be a case of selecting all invoices and using the bulk action to send the emails.. Those with the flag set will be processed and marked and those without the flag set will be skipped.. Will make the process a lot quicker than working through a separate list of who wants the invoice emailed to them.

Scheduled Care Hours
On the desktop or list view it shows you Scheduled Care Hours - currently the figures provided include all hours that occur from the previous 24 hours if the assignment goes through the night.
Care For IT does not accurately show amount of care hours per day/week due to this.
It would be great to have the desktop view or list view showing accurate amount of hours between a specified date range so that this can be used for businesses to record how the business is doing week by week or day by day depending on the date range chosen.
It could also be used as a clear visual aid for office staff who are using this on a daily basis so that they have a target to aim for.

Screen Changes when viewing on large TV/Monitor
Customers would like display the Care For IT dashboard items more cleanly when displaying on large monitors or TV's.
TV screens are used in provider offices to track visits and they have raised that they would like some further options to make the views more useful.
For example
- The menu on left hand side could be moved or you click a button so that menu gets hidden.

We are currently looking at a refresh of the website. This item will be handled there.

Show most recent risk assessments on assessment page
Current system appears to show the oldest risk assessment on the SU assessment page which you have to click into and then click the little icon to get to the next one and if there are more you have to click through again to continue through to get her the latest one..
Either all risk assessments should be shown or this process should be revered so the latest assessment is shown on the page and you click through to get to previous assessments..

Medication - Route Dropdown default to Oral
Service Users > View Service Users > Pick a Service Users > Click Care Plan > Medication > Add Medication
Route dropdown is in alphabetical order.
85% of instances will be Oral. So the request is that instead of a alphabetical drop down the default is set to Oral.
Customer support service by UserEcho