Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?
Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!
CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.

Monthly Visit Type (Frequency)
Additional feature when adding new assignment. So far only weekly & fornightly. I hope you can put monthly as well as an option. Thank you and all the best.

Remove cancelled visits from carer screens
When a visit is cancelled it still displays on the carers screens.. We keep the carer allocated because if the call is cancelled last minute we still pay the carer a percentage of what they would have earned.. Still it would be good to remove the call from the carers screen to avoid confusion.

Care Plan
Form 3-013 - Care Plan - Service User.doc
I will like to know if you can code section 2 on the care plan in a table format which will make it much more easier to to read what is put on there. Just like what you have in section 1 and 3 on the care plan.
I have attached a copy of our current care plan in word document to see if you can this can be coded on the care plan for us please.

Audit Log client weekly hours
An audit log record that indicates the user that clicked OK and accepted the warning that indicates the clients weekly hours have been exceeded.

Reason codes for visits exceeding clients weekly hours
Reason code/drop down if user accepts the warning and proceeds with the allocation?
Could reason code drop downs be added so they can be reported upon?
Weekly updates have to be sent so would be useful to know why the hours were exceeded, also to check billing prior to issuing invoices, and to counter queries from clients.

Carer Preferences Male/Female
It would be very helpful if we can specify if only female or male care workers can visit a specific service user. This is a basic function for any rostering system and yet it seems that CareForIT doesn't have and is not working on it.

CareFor - Ability to edit care plan - Start dates
We have noticed on CareFor under ‘care plan > regular visit / services’ we are able to edit the ‘service end dates’ but not ‘service start dates’. If we want to amend the ‘service start dates’ under care plan we have to delete the respective visits and start again.
Can you please look into this and try make configuration changes to allow us to be able to edit ‘service start dates’.

risk assessment
I would like carers to be able to read and sign risk assessments and and sign them to say that they have read them it makes no sense for no one apart from a administrator to be able to see them

Risk assessments and support plans
Hi there,
I think it would be very beneficial to be able to run a report on the following:
Risk assessments and support plans. be able to see at a glance which ones are missing
Customer support service by UserEcho