Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?

Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!

CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.


Add attachments to bulk email

Howell Hughes 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT updated by Concerned Well Wisher 6 years ago 3

I would like the ability to add attachments to bulk emails.


Can you add a tick box on front screen to say client has a DNR?

Simon 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT updated by Stephen Vaughan 5 years ago 0

Target hours alert

Passion for Support 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' updated by Imtiaz Ismail 4 years ago 3

We’d like an alert to come up when staff have been allocated visits which take them over their Target Hours. Similar to what happens with customer hours. 


MAR Chart

sara 6 years ago in eMar updated by Stephen Vaughan 5 years ago 1

When using App to use MAR chart, it does not inform you that you have administered a certain medication.  It would be helpful if the medicine greyed out or gave a warning that you had already administered.


Print SU list should include ALL pages.

Harley Bird 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT updated by Howell Hughes 5 years ago 2

When printing an SU list from the Service User page would be good to be able to include ALL rather than having to print each individual page..

Howell Hughes 5 years ago

This functionality has been updated you are now able to select all service users across all pages from the service user page.

Under review

CQC New Requirement Report

garry pettit 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Refactor considerations. updated by Stephen Vaughan 5 years ago 1

Lorraine just called from Clarke Care to request a report to show stats, on how many Service Users have joined the service in the last calendar year, and how many have left.  Simple three line report.  in 2017, ex number joined the service, ex number left the service.

Lorraine has just been asked by CQC for this data, meaning every agency will be requested this info every year from now on.  It took her 2 hours to shift through all the data in CareForIT to find out the info.


Medication specific to each call

Ros Darton 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Medication updated by Stephen Vaughan 5 years ago 3

It would be really helpful and cut down on user error if the medications that are visible to carers are specific to the call they are attending. 

It is also very difficult to make sure that the varying doses of warfarin are clear. we have clients for example who have 3mg Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday and 2.5mg on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 

Maybe being able to highlight in red would help. 

We are also having problems with a medication that is taken every other day. There isn't anyway of checking which day it has been taken and which day it hasn't unless it is written on the notes. It should be possible to make it work within the medication part of the app. 


Suspend Date and Time

howell 6 years ago in Pure CareForIT 0

Soma have requested to be able to suspend a client and be able to pick date and time.

This will aid in reporting KPI back to local authorities.

Under review

Link visit and notes made during the visit.

Harley Bird 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Notes updated by Stephen Vaughan 6 years ago 1

When a note is added by the carer during a visit using the website or mobile app it would be nice to have a direct link to the notes or a display of the recorded notes when reviewing the visit details. 

This would make it much easier to answer queries that relate to a particular visit.. For example when a service user is querying an invoice where the charge is for extra time we could click on the visit and read the notes taken at that visit to find out what happened rather than having to trawl through the notes to find the note that relates to that visit.. 



In order to make bodymaps more user friendly especially on mobile devices

- Make bodymap read only upon user logs out or clicks done. 
- Make signature box read only after pressing done.

This is not user friendly on a mobile phone for larger body maps. When in portrait mode, you cannot move to the right of the map. When in landscape mode a user has to be very precise if they want to navigate up or down the screen. Any touch in the area on the bodymap results in a mark being recorded on the bodymap.