Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?

Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!

CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.


Client Details Encrypted on Invoices

Howell Hughes 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT 0

Invoices to clients contain personal data but are not encrypted. 

Given the introduction of GDPR next year, it would be a useful feature for your customers (although I appreciate, password management will be an issue…)


Deletion of Carer and Client Data

Howell Hughes 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT updated by Passion for Support 6 years ago 3

Please add a function to delete carer and client data off the system. 

I need a way to remove carer and client data after x months inline with my company policy.

x months is my company policy for retaining data for carers, and I need to ensure I am in line with the data protection act and GDPR

Dan Farrell-Wright 7 years ago

Hi Howell, thank-you for the suggestion. You are already able to delete a client from the system.

Firstly archive a client from the 'All Client' list by selecting the client and then choosing 'Archive' from the bulk action menu.

Next, from the list of archived clients you can select the client and choose 'Delete Client' from the bulk action menu.


Bulk Allocation of Funders

Howell Hughes 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT 0

Bulk Allocation of Funders 


Double Booking - Automatically deallocated

Howell Hughes 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT 0

We would like to see workers automatically deallocated as they are for holidays/sickness etc. The current way lengthens the scheduling process and as we continue to grow could lead to errors and overpayments to staff. It also throws up ‘double-booking’ errors on the system.


Unallocated calls on the wall

Howell Hughes 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / The Wall 0

Unallocated calls
Listing those who don’t require staff or support which makes the list very long. Could we set it so that they don’t appear?


client data reports could be more useful (for CQC PIR) to include start date, archive date.

Simon 7 years ago updated by Dan Farrell-Wright 7 years ago 2
Dan Farrell-Wright 7 years ago

Hi Simon, thanks for the suggestion.

I have updated the following report menu->Standard Reports->Client Data Extract to include the Service Start date and Service End Date.



Under review

Would it be possible to automate some of the data extract required for the CQC PIR document?

Simon 7 years ago updated by Dan Farrell-Wright 7 years ago 1

Docking navigation as on the iPad to all "desktop" sites including Andriod tablets

Harley Bird 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT updated by Stephen Vaughan 7 years ago 2


The interface on a iPad has the navigation menu that docks on the left which is very useful to create more screen space.. This functionality doesn't work on Android tablets which would be useful.. In fact the docking menu would be useful on all "desktop" sites even PC's..

Can the be enabled on all desktop sites?



Stephen Vaughan 7 years ago

Hi Harley, this would mean quite a big change to the design.  I think we would park this one, this time.


Remove continuity score from SU schedule print out

Harley Bird 7 years ago 0


I would prefer is the continuity score wasn't displayed on the printed schedule sent to the SU.. While we try and keep it down we would prefer not to highlight it when it is higher than we would like.



Under review

Changing number of view days in app

info 6 years ago in Mobile Carer App - CareForIT updated by Stephen Vaughan 6 years ago 1

The app currently allows carers to view five days of rotas. Is it possible to decrease this to four days. The reason being rotas are finalised for Firday morning but carers can view their Monday rota on Thursday which hasn't been finalised.