Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?

Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!

CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.


Medication Alternate Day added to drop down

Howell Hughes 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Medication updated by Stephen Vaughan 6 years ago 0

Care Company South West requested medication TO BE taken drop down to include every other day, or Alternate Day.


Clone previous risk assessment to new one for updating

Harley Bird 7 years ago 0

Would be great to have the ability to clone a previous risk assessment when updating to save re-entering all the data again.

Under review

Show most recent risk assessments on assessment page

Harley Bird 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Refactor considerations. updated by Stephen Vaughan 6 years ago 1

Current system appears to show the oldest risk assessment on the SU assessment page which you have to click into and then click the little icon to get to the next one and if there are more you have to click through again to continue through to get her the latest one..

Either all risk assessments should be shown or this process should be revered so the latest assessment is shown on the page and you click through to get to previous assessments.. 


Visit change log

Harley Bird 7 years ago updated by Stephen Vaughan 7 years ago 2

Would be good to have a "Change Log" tab on the visit edit page to show change history for an audit trail.. 

I just had a carer try and tell me visit had been added to her rota at the last minute and she had made plans sou couldn't cover the visits.. I ashed Laura for the details of the changes and proved to the carer she was not correct and the visits had been on the rota for nearly a week..

Having a change log showing who made the change, the date and time of the change, the previous value and the current value would be all that was needed.. At a minimum tracking changes to the assigned carer and the date/time of the visit would be the most important fields to track..


Stephen Vaughan 7 years ago

Hi Harley, I have asked Laura to add a report into your system to allow you to seach all of the application logs.  This, I feel will satisfy your requirement.


Under review

Call data records needs to be able to match the invoices that we print and generate from this for Ecm.

selina 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

This is an urgent request as the call reports doesn’t work at all and we need to be able to export the invoices to excel or Cvs for rack visit, I have sent over an example of how we need our systems export to look like.


under invoicing funders could we get the invoice to include assignment type so they know what type of call they are being charge for .

kindi basi 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance 0

under invoicing funders could we get the invoice to include assignment type so they know what type of call they are being charge for . 


Weekly Invoicing Options

Anthony 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance 0

Would it be possible on the weekly invoicing option to add in the following:

Purchase Order Number

Client address in addition to there name.

Also where calls are less than an hour the system rounds up the amount incorrectly.


Regular visits with a future start date SHOULD print on PDF.

Harley Bird 7 years ago 0

Currently and regular visit configurations that have a start date in the future don't 

print on the care assessment PDF..

This is a problem because it means we can't print it and get the file in place into the SU home until AFTER the care package has started.. It also means we can't take it to the SU prior to the package commencing or changing to get them to confirm they are happy with the package..

Please can this be changed so all regular visits that have no end date or a future end date print on the PDF regardless of the start date.


Risk assessments

pridecare 7 years ago 0

Risk assessments can not be edited which is frustrating as they are a continuous document. It would be good to see each risk assessment being edited to show the progress when reviewed and go in and review it.