Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?

Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!

CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.


Select more than one staff member

Passion for Support 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT 0

When we arrange customer visits, we sometimes want to see which member of staff would be best to assign to the visit. It would be useful to have the option to choose more than one member of staff so see which is best to assign to that visit. E.g. the ability to select customer Y and, by holding down ctrl (or something) be able to select staff members W, X & Z.


Call Records search option

In Reports --> Call Records, weccould do with a search option. Either a date range or staff member name.


Monthly visits

Need an option for a monthly visit. Some of our customers attend a particular meeting which happens on, for example, the 2nd Thursday of every month. 


Format of Rotas/Schedules

We would like the rota (schedule) to be available in a different format. i.e. We don’t need customer address to appear so instead of the system generated rota we send our staff a copy of the visits they are due to make. Perhaps rotas (schedules), like invoices, could have different versions eg. standard, summary or detailed. 


Voice activated text to build your CarePlan or electronic forms via the Mobile App or Tablet

Nathan McNeal 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Care Plans 0

6 Prospects in the last week have requested we have voice activated text to build care plans or any electronic forms, meaning a carer or support worker speak into the tablet or phone, and the system produces a completed care plan or electronic form.   


Body Map Key

The new body map on the android app looks great. A useful addition would be to provide a key for each of the colours so, for example, red could be used for cuts & wounds, yellow for bruising etc. The different options provided by one client are:

1. Pressure ulcers

2. Bruising

3. Cuts & wounds

4. Excoriation

5 Scalds, burns

6. Other (would need a means of specifying what)


Staff Car Details

admin 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT 0

It would be beneficial to have a section in the staff profile section to record their car make, model, colour and registration number in order to comply with lone worker policies. We currently record these on paper in the staff file but having this on careforit would make the details more accessible to staff members on call when needed. 


Payroll Summary PDF

Claire Sillito 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance 0

After generating payroll, you are able to use the select boxes on the left hand side of each line to pick individuals to then create the payroll details or summary PDF. The payroll summary generates for all staff and not just those who have been selected via the tick boxes.

Can this be changed so that only selected visits are included in the payroll summary PDF please?


ID Photo and Font Adjustment.

TQC 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT 0

Hi, when generating the ID via the system, it come out as fixed template, where you cannot make any amendments, we need to have the facility to alter the ID, mainly by relocating and adjusting the photo and amending the position and size of the font.


Online Invoices

Li Palmer 7 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance 0


There isn't currently a way to send links to online invoices, rather than sending PDFs, thought this might be a good idea.

Perhaps it could link in with some kind of online payment portal (like Xero or Go Cardless).
