Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?
Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!
CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.
Could the The Grid option have the option to print.
This would be accessible to staff not using a mobile app and would be better visually than the list view.
Provision a visit for multiple Service Users at the same location
We would like to be able to provision a visit for a carer for 3 service users at the same location.
Hi Howell, you can provision a location visit which will achieve this.
If you need further information on how to achieve this, please speak with out support team.
Bodymap History
I request that bodymap has a change log feature.
The use case is that you would want to be able to track a bruise or legion from one visit to the next. So bodymap of date 01/01/2018 created with the bruise, then on visit of 01/02/2018 create new bodymap to track bruise and be able to see the bodymap of the 01/01/2017 to you can see the difference.
Email Rota - Date Range
We want to email rotas for a date range not just one week.
Saving revisions in care plans
Saving revisions in care plans.
Currently we use Word as they cannot be saved on CareForIT when changes have been made.
Make moving call easier
Ability to move selected calls back or forward x amount of time in the list view or on the wall
Please see the comments in the following thread and vote there.
Google Map page showing pins for all SU locations or Carer/Staff locations or both
Our old system had a page where you are presented with a google map that shows the location pins for all active service users and/or all carers/staff on one map to have a visual of distances and hotspots..
Clicking the pin showed the name of the SU or Carer which could be clicked to go the the record..
We found this very useful so it would be nice to have in Care-for-IT..
Mobile Android App Map
Please include a map on the new android app so we can easily see the location of the clients in our planned visits.
Thank-you for your suggestion, this has already been included in the specification for the next version of the Android App, planned for Q1/2 2018.
Moving and Handling assessment needs "Brief Outline of work/activity" to be editable.
The text in the "Brief Outline of work/activity" on a moving and handling assessment is locked as a description of what a risk assessment is.. This needs to be editable so we can type in the "Brief Outline of work/activity"..
Customer support service by UserEcho