Your comments
We had raised this previously. We had suggested a "History of Rotas" sent for a particular week.
We often have to send out notices to staff (e.g. fire safety notice). Sending it out through Careforit is a really good way of doing this but, at the moment, we cannot attach documents. So, unless we send them out one-by-one then we cannot use this e-mail to send out certain notices
Also, it would be good if, when entering notes, we can be allowed to tag it to a carer as well. For example, if a service user gives a compliment to a particualr carer, we have to enter it on the the service user's notes and copy and past to the support worker. If we can just tag the note to the support worker and the note also shows up on the support worker notes then this would be a better solution
Customer support service by UserEcho
For some reason, I cannot vote. However, if i could I would vote for this.
In addition, the system already is able to calculate travel time. It should give a warning when there is not enough travel time between 2 shifts