Your comments

Hi Obi, you will see that this work has now been completed in the lates release of CareForIT, please check the release notes on the news page.

Thank you.


Hi Rachel, this work has now been completed and deplyed to CareForIT.  You should have had this in the latest release notes.

Thank you.


Hi Gordon, are you still using CareForIT call Monitoring?  I am struggling to understand the essence of what you are trying to achieve,. Maybe we should have a chat to talk it through?



There are simularities in these two requirements.  I think Richards suggestion is on the road to your suggestion Harley.

Hi Richard, this is simular to what Harley is suggesting here(I think Harley's requirement is more mature though).

Hi, when we developed the app earlier in the year, the primary goal was the offline functionality.  The rest will come.  Nice Monkey by the way.


Hi Harley, I have asked Laura to add a report into your system to allow you to seach all of the application logs.  This, I feel will satisfy your requirement.
