Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?

Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!

CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.

Under review

View clock in and out times

pricesr93 6 years ago in Mobile Carer App - CareForIT updated by Stephen Vaughan 6 years ago 1

There should be an option to see what time you clock into a call and clock out of calls


time capture etc

Elsa 6 years ago in Mobile Carer App - CareForIT 0

that I was wondering if there was some way that we could have the log in and out times captured on the phones like our old system did. When it comes to filling in the diary before you leave you have to put the time and no-one ever remembers the exact time they got there so are ringing office staff to ask. This is also an issue for people who want to stay at the call the exact length of time.

The other issue is that there is no way of knowing a change has been made to your rota. On our old system again a red circle would appear at the top notifying of changes and support workers knew to re fresh there phones. I think this would be another very useful addition if you could do it.

Also if you cancel a call on a support worker you cannot allocate another call in its place if the support workers name is on it even though it is cancelled until you remove the support workers name


Mobile App alerts

Mobile App needs to be able to automatically send a message to staff if something on their rota/schedule has changed. E.g. visits added, amended, deleted. Also when there has been information added to the record of a client they are due to visit e.g. now needs to take X drug in the morning. At the moment, after we have made the change we then have to also duplicate the information in a text or email to the staff member.


Make service user`s key contact number visable on the app

Nathan from Ceemac, would like the Service user`s main contact number to be shown on the front screen of the app, or via a link.  So if the carer is running late, they can contact the client, so stopping them having to keep calling the office.   Also Nathan would like double app carer information including the carers phone number to be displayed on the app.


Food and Fluid Charts

Tim 2 months ago in Mobile Carer App - CareForIT / Notes 0

Is there a chance that we can have integrated Food & Fluid charts so staff can log this on a daily basis?


Mobile messaging

Receive messages from staff via mobile app and/or WhatsApp.


Shift offering via app messaging

Offer shifts to staff via app messaging and allow them to accept / reject via the app or use WhatsApp.


See calls further in advance on app

Amy 3 years ago in Mobile Carer App - CareForIT 0

See calls on the app for 2 weeks rather then just 4 days. As I have to keep telling my carers what their next shift is 


CareFor Mobile App - Hyperlink for contact numbers

Ibrahim Ali 4 years ago in Mobile Carer App - CareForIT updated by Howell Hughes 4 years ago 1


Our carer’s have mentioned they would like to see a hyperlink for contact numbers added within CareFor. This would allow to call numbers directly at the tap of a button instead of carers needing to write numbers down on paper etc. 

Howell Hughes 4 years ago

Hi Ibrahim,

Thank you for the suggestion.

I am pleased to inform you that contact numbers of service users will be available to tap on to call will be in version 1.9 of both the Apple and Android releases.

Please keep an eye on the news section of our support site where nearer the time we will provide release information.

Best Regards

Howell Hughes

Client Engagement Manager


CareFor Mobile App - Not displaying annual leave, sickness, training etc

At present the CareFor mobile app does not display when care staff are on holiday/annual leave, off sick, on training, team meetings etc. Currently, the mobile app only displays any visits inputted under 'supervision'. 

This looks like a bug within the CareFor system which requires addressing.