Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?

Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!

CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.


MAR Chart - Carer Initials

Severn Sunrise 5 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Medication 0

With regard to the MAR charts, we have carers who have the same first & last initials so it is difficult to see who has actually given the medication without going into each and every one. Is it possible for the initials of the carer who gives the medication to be shown as up to 3 characters instead of the current 2 characters – this will enable us to use middle names to differentiate between carers.


Bulk Un-Reconcile

Craig_Rns 5 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' 0

We had a situation where two days worth of calls needed un reconciled, at present there is not option to "bulk" un reconcile, it was very time consuming to have to do this one call at a time.


Mobile App - Administered Medication

When a medication is administered there is no indication that any entry has been made in the app as once you press the “submit” button all details vanish. Is there some way the app can show a visual indication that a specific medication has been completed for that visit?


Unallocated Call Wall

Jonathan 5 years ago in Pure CareForIT / The Wall 0

It would be nice to have a separate wall for unallocated calls so you can see clearly all the unallocated calls for each day.


Publishing Rota's on the Client Portal

Jonathan 5 years ago in Family Portal 0

Add a feature so that on the Client Portal we are able to only publish Rota up to a certain date instead of it just automatically publishing when a carer is assigned to a call.


Email cover message

When emailing customer rotas we would like the option to be able to send the majority of them using the bulk emailing option where they are sent with a standard message (eg, Dear XXX, Please find attached your rota for the period XX to YY) but to be able to select others individually and have a box pop up that we can type a personal message into.

Risk assessments and support plans

annick 5 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Care Plans 0

Hi there,

I think it would be very beneficial to be able to run a report on the following:

Risk assessments and support plans. be able to see at a glance which ones are missing 

Under review

Total Travel Time in the payroll report

info 5 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Finance updated 5 years ago 4

Travel time should be included when calculating holiday hours. The travelling time in between visits is available on the payroll report and the total cost of the travelling time but not the total number of hours/minutes spent travelling which makes it difficult to calculate holiday allowance.