Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?
Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!
CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.
Care Plan Calls End date vailidation
Is it possible to add validation to the Regular Call end date so that it is equal or greater than the start date?
Payroll CSV File - Travel Time
When you convert the Payroll Report to a CSV file can the Travel Time be calculated in a separate column? At the moment it is included in the total pay and it would benefit us if it was in its own column
Ability to lock areas when working on client files.
I currently have five coordinators responsible for various areas. It would be very helpful for these people to be able to lock into their own area rather than continuously selecting it from the drop down area. This would make it much easier for them to take ownership of their particular area.
Client finances and petty cash section under accounts
There needs to be an area under finances that keeps the log of all debits and deductions for client accounts as some have a daily allowance etc.
Also for petty cash for the centre so its kept on top of.
Other systems have this and it can only be edited by staff who have higher access rights on the system.
New named rates functionality and bulk increases
Not sure it's worth writing this but the new Named Rates functionality is not going to be very useful in it's current implementation.. I have had a look and while it will be great to have the ability to set effective dates for charge rate changes we will have to create so many named rates to cover the various time slots and rates that it would be really cumbersome very quickly..
Our domiciliary care service alone has different rates for 15min, 30min, 45min and 60min slots, we than have rates for day time and evenings and for weekend and special days.. Then we have the different cancellation rates for the service at the different percentage charges so just one service would probably need 30 - 40 named rates so keeping them all straight will be interesting to say the least..
There would be far more effective ways to crate this type of functionality..
The bulk increase functionality on the visit type rate sheets for a service is not functional.. If you have manual rates for all time periods (because the named rates is too cumbersome) it only allows you to set one static rate (as opposed to a percentage change) so would set all entries to that static rate which is pointless..
I am not sure which of your customers were consulted on the implementation of this functionality but I can't see it would be functional or practical to use for many companies unless the way we operate is in some way very unique which I doubt is the case..
Hi Harley, I'm happy to discuss the user cases and the thinking behind the functionality with you if you'd like?
I belive that what we have built is very functional, with everything there are things we can improve.
trying to invite staff to accept log on invitaions
Were experiencing problems getting staff to accept invitations sent to their emails so that they can set up your system
We have staff who have changed their emails since we bought into this and no one knows how to change it
We have staff who cannot log in
Also why do we have to continually email you
Almost every care organisation supports their service users by way of a nominated key worker yet this is not an option available. Please would you advise if it is to be added?
Hi Vince, I'm not sure why you wouldn't add the key worker as a contact to the service user?
If you need assistance, you can call our support desk.
when we are trying to do rotas and the messages keep popping up every 5 minuted is becoming quite annoying and time consuming, as we are having to manually click each one! Please can this be fixed as we have reported this on many occasions and nothing has changed.
Seperate closed and open cases
Is it possible to have all closed packages to move into a separate 'all packages' list. Or being able to export all packages into an excel spreadsheet to then be able to filter this information easier.
Customer support service by UserEcho