Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?

Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!

CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.


Notification Schema

howell 2 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Communication 0

Is it possible to have on the roadmap more notification schemes to include SMS and WhatsApp?

Also to be able to configure lists of multiple people to be notified including notifications from region 1 only going to the region 1 list?


Could the ECM Report be produced by Area?

Tim Brigham 2 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' 0

We have around ten areas overseen by various managers. I'd like to see the ECM report by area to see who/where we are still having issues.


Could an additional tab be created

helen curley 3 years ago in Pure CareForIT 0

in the support worker section for referral support workers i.e. those we are recruiting so they are stored securely for GDPR purposes?


Would it be possible for you guys to create a tab in the schedule (list view) that allows us to change cancelled calls and hospital admissions back to active calls under care at home? This would make our job 100% easier and save us a lot of time

warren 3 years ago in Pure CareForIT / List view 0

Would it be possible for you guys to create a tab in the schedule (list view) that allows us to change cancelled calls and hospital admissions back to active calls under care at home? This would make our job 100% easier and save us a lot of time


A way to highlight late calls

Chez 3 years ago in Pure CareForIT 0

An easy way to quickly see any calls checked into 15 minutes or more later than the scheduled time, for the purpose of late call audits. Currently, the system only highlights them red when they're late until they check in. This means we have to check every call individually which isn't practical when there are hundreds of them. Is there a way you can bring attention to, or highlight, calls that are checked into 15 minutes or more later. Thank you :)


to be able to click on areas required without having all areas up

Emma 3 years ago in Pure CareForIT / List view 0

our company has 5 areas, 3 are different branches and 2 are in the same branch 1&2, I would like to be able to select 1&2 without having to see all areas of unallocated or just seeing 1 OR 2 


being able to alter service order for individual calls rather than the whole week on service order

Emma 3 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' 0

being able to alter service order for individual calls rather than the whole week on service order, so when a clients call is the same every week except for 1 day, being able to alter that 1 call rather than amending the entire service order 


adding a buffer between calls

Emma 3 years ago in Pure CareForIT / Rotas' 0

Adding a 10/15 mins buffer on service orders so you cannot physically allocate calls with no travel time, if you try to allocate a 12-12.30 and a 12.30-1pm call next to one another it does not let you allocate