Do you have some fantastic ideas on how we could enhance CareForIT?
Leave CareForIT feedback and let other users vote on your suggestion, the more votes received, the higher up the priority list the feature will go!
CareForIT will keep you updated if your suggestion makes its way on to our road map.
Adding a buffer between calls
Request for the system to be able to apply a buffer inbetween calls to allow a selectable amount of time gap between all calls.
GDPR and the phone app
I have a real concern that at present the phone app could be accessed by persons other than the member of staff it is assigned to. If someone was to pick up their phone, there is a chance they could open the app and see confidential items including addresses and key safe numbers. I know staff should be vigilant but it only takes one instance of this to put an already vulnerable person at a high risk of abuse.
Please let me know if there is a default setting that would mean my staff would need to log on/off with a password at each call, or if there is a simpler solution to what could become a very real threat.
Addition of a Note Category once a Note has been saved
Hi, woul dit be possible to build in a function whereby a note category can be added once a note has been saved - at present you can change a category once saved but not add a category if one has not been used.
Change to support rates - in the future
We have a planned price increase and currently there is no way to change the charge rates in advance - this is a business necessity as some of the invoices will go across both rate cards but I have to charge at the old rate or do manual invoices
RECRUITMENT PROCESS- New applicant details that can be transferred to active carer once recruited
RECRUITMENT PROCESS - New applicant details to be added to system that can be monitored & reviewed (to asses recruitment process) and transferred to active carer status once employed without the need to re enter all details again ?
Mobile App alerts
Mobile App needs to be able to automatically send a message to staff if something on their rota/schedule has changed. E.g. visits added, amended, deleted. Also when there has been information added to the record of a client they are due to visit e.g. now needs to take X drug in the morning. At the moment, after we have made the change we then have to also duplicate the information in a text or email to the staff member.
Make service user`s key contact number visable on the app
Nathan from Ceemac, would like the Service user`s main contact number to be shown on the front screen of the app, or via a link. So if the carer is running late, they can contact the client, so stopping them having to keep calling the office. Also Nathan would like double app carer information including the carers phone number to be displayed on the app.
Cancelled visit notification
So we had a scenario recently when a service user (SU) called to cancel their lunch. A member of office staff cancelled the morning and the lunch visit. This meant that a diabetic SU went without a visit until tea time.
Would it be possible to have an alert set up where a text is sent for cancelled visits? So when my colleague cancelled both calls this would have sent the SU, or their family, a text to say the following perhaps?
I am sure this will also go down well with the CQC and safeguarding teams.
eBrokerage Package assign on closure
It would also be useful to have 'No longer required' and 'deceased' when closing and assigning a POC.
"My Documents" Section
Can it be made possible to
a. Sort the order of the documents in the "My Documents" Section
b. Create separate folders within the section
Customer support service by UserEcho